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Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Lose Weight and Keep it Gone - Part Two

In part two of this guide we will expand on good dieting practices and how to stay on track. Remember motivation and self confidence is the key to a successful weight loss experience. If you are missing one of these two things then reevaluate your willingness to lose the weight.

Step 4

Stay Hydrated

It is important to drink plenty of water when dieting. The more water you have the faster your body can detoxify itself. This is good because when you are losing weight your body produces a lot of extra toxins that need to be released.

If you don't drink enough water your body will retain more of it. Not only will this keep you from losing weight, it will also give you a very bloated look. So bottom line, Drink More Water!

Step 5

Get Out And Exercise

This can help further the amount of weight you will be able to lose. Exercise burns fast and keeps the body in shape. This is very helpful when trying to lose weight.

Exercise raises the body's metabolism and helps you burn weight faster. This is very good as it helps you build muscle and increases your energy levels. Muscle also burns fat constantly which helps even more! Try getting out at least 4 times a week to increase your heart rate and build some muscle.

Step 6.

Take a Multivitamin

This can help you in many ways. Sometimes the body doesn't get all of its nutrition from food sources. This happens more often when we diet. Its a good idea to take one Every day when dieting. This will help you get the proper nutrition you need and keep your body burning fat all day.

This can be even more important to take with exercise. The body burns off extra nutrients when exercising. This can help to make sure you have the proper balance to continue losing weight. Try it for a few weeks and feel the difference.


This is a pretty basic guide to weight loss. There are many more ways you could go further in depth with it. Each weight loss plan has to be tailored to fit the needs of the individual

Remember to stay motivated and track your progress with the food journal. It may also be helpful to follow a weight loss blueprint. These are successful systems already established to help you with your weight loss goals. Keep your confidence level high and give it a try!

For More Related Topics Blog: Low Carb Weight Loss

For More Related Topics Blog: Low Carb Weight Loss

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