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Friday, October 25, 2013

Capsiplex - The New Miracle Weight Loss Supplement?

Endorsed by a number of celebrities, Capsiplex is promoted as the new miracle weight loss supplement. So what is it and can it really help you to lose weight just like the celebs?

We look at what is fast becoming named the Chilli Diet Pill can do for you.

What is Capsiplex?

The idea behind this weight loss pill is to take advantage of the natural ingredients in red hot chilli peppers for weight loss. Made from both Chilli and Capsicum, this diet pill promotes stimulant effect on the body so that you can start burning more calories.

In fact, the marketing behind Capsiplex suggests that by taking this product you can burn 278 more calories per day, this is the equivalent to jogging for 25 minutes or 80 minutes of walking!

So how does Capsiplex work?

Red chilli peppers contain a natural ingredient called Capsicum extract, which has long been found to increase your metabolism and suppress your appetite. The issue has been how to ingest enough of this extract without suffering the associated stomach upsets. Well this is resolved by the manufacturers using a special coating around the ingredients so no irritation is experienced.

Clinical trials so far have shown that the Chilli Diet Pill has helped adults burn 278 more calories during and after exercise.

Side-effects from Capsiplex

Previous attempts to harness the power of chillis for weight loss have been thwarted by stomach upsets, the manufacturers of this chilli diet pill have resolved this problem - so no side-effects are experienced. The only issue with this product are the traces of caffeine that particularly sensitive individuals may find causes minor restlessness and increases in heart rate.

Will Capsiplex work for you?

This weight loss supplement has apparently worked for many A-List celebrities to keep them slim and apparently healthy. Whilst this is great marketing such promotion should be taken with a little bit of salt. That said, we do not see any harm in taking Capsiplex and it could mean that it will help you get the body you want in time for summer!

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercise Plans

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