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Monday, September 30, 2013

Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss - Is Colon Cleansing Safe?

Colon cleansing and weight loss are one of the hottest topics among people who are sick of trying to lose weight and not seeing any results. Among the biggest concerns that most people have are these two questions, does body cleansing really work and is colon cleansing safe? Well, the good news is that the answer to both is a resounding yes, but instead of just taking yes for an answer read on to find out more.

First off, does this body cleansing really work? The answer is partially a yes depending on what you expect in terms of colon cleansing and weight loss. A cleansing is the process in which the toxins and excess stored fat that lines the walls of your intestines and colon is flushed collectively out of your system.

Basically, a cleansing is a process when you swallow a liquid solution that breaks down the toxins and flushes them out which is why you will notice an initial weight loss. In terms of colon cleansing and weight loss you will also notice that you are able to lose more weight through the proper diet and plenty of regular exercise because your digestive system will work more effectively.

Now, the next question you have is probably is colon cleansing safe logically, which also is a resounding yes since you are only flushing out your system. However, if you have digestive problems or are pregnant you should speak with your doctor first to make sure that the solution you use will not interfere or irritate your condition or in some cases the unborn child.

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Is Mindless Eating Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? Tips on Becoming More Mindful

Are you sabotaging your weight loss with mindless eating? There seem to be so many opportunities to eat or overeat during the day and this makes mindless eating a sure way to self-destruct your weight loss efforts. If you find yourself unconsciously popping food in your mouth during the day then I highly encourage you to take a couple of minutes to read this article and discover just how easy it is to move away from mindless eating and become a mindful eater.

Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

The real secret to becoming a mindful eater is learning to bring your focus into what you are eating and when you do this the benefits are enormous, you not only slow down when you eat but you naturally eat less because you appreciate the foods more and you make better eating decisions because you notice the taste of foods more.

1. Bring your focus to your food by pulling in all of your senses when you eat. Look at your food, smell it, listen for a crunch, feel it in your mouth and taste it.

2. Write it down. Don't let yourself "forget" what you ate. Write everything you eat and drink down in a journal. You don't need this to be fancy, just a small tablet will work.

3. Divide your plate at meal times. To know that you are eating the right foods in the right portion sizes divide your plate. To do this draw an imaginary line through your plate and fill the top with vegetables and then divide the bottom half and put a portion of protein on the one side the same size and thickness as the palm of your hand and on the other side put a carbohydrate portion the size of your cupped hand - this gives you the perfect meal.

You can stop sabotaging your weight loss by becoming a more mindful eater and these tips will help you get there.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Information to Help With Weight Loss

A huge number of people are overweight in the world today. In fact, it's becoming one of the biggest problems, especially in Western countries. We have never had as much food available to us, at such cheap prices, and with automation of so much of our work, we are getting less exercise than in the past. With so much food available cheaply it is no wonder that we overeat.

Trying to lose weight can be very difficult, especially for those, who have a chronic obesity problem. As you become bigger, it becomes more difficult to exercise, so becoming a never-ending problem. These days, bariatric surgeons are recommending weight loss surgery, for those most at risk of health problems. However, we really don't know, what the outcome will be, for people having the surgery, in the long-term. After all, we are losing some of our organs, and at this stage they cannot be replaced.

Recently it's been found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with obesity. A recent study has shown vitamin D to be important when starting a weight loss plan. The outcome of these studies found that higher vitamin D levels predicted greater weight loss, especially of abdominal fat. As we know, abdominal fat is the most dangerous, and predicts problems with our hearts later on in life.

Many Americans are already deficient in vitamin D, because we are heeding medical advice to stay out of the sun. Vitamin D is delivered into our body, through spending time in the sun. New advice tells us to spend 10 to 15 minutes every day in the sun. Get your blood tested, to find out if you are deficient in vitamin D and if so, your doctor will probably recommend that you take vitamin D tablets, which should help with weight loss and a number of other issues.

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Hypnosis For Weight Loss - It's Easy and It Works!

Everybody knows the key to weight loss. The key is "diet and exercise". But the problem most people have is sticking with it till the end. Well, there is a sure-shot method to keep you motivated till the end...hypnosis for weight loss. It works! And its easy!

Self hypnosis is nothing but hypnotizing yourself. Self hypnosis can be learned by anyone. With the help of self hypnosis you can learn how to relax completely, and then can make some positive suggestions to yourself. Weight loss hypnosis is a way to lose weight effectively and permanently.

How is it done?

Before going to bed at night and before waking up in the morning, during the transition period from sleep to wakefulness the human mind is most gullible and open to suggestions. If at these two times you can visualize yourself as slim and trim, in all its details and you visualize yourself pushing away all that calorie stuffed food which has been your all time favorite and relishing boiled vegetables and low calorie food, you just might end up doing that during your waking hours. You need to visualize your goals and methods in as much detail as possible. You need to visualize your self going to the gym everyday. Following your diet. Staying away from tempting food. You need to visualize each and everything you need to do and your goal in complete detail.

Slowly and steadily you will develop a new self image. You will see yourself in the future after losing weight and if you hold on to this image, you will be surprised, it will really come about.

What you are really doing is re-educating your subconscious mind and once an idea is there in the mind, it has an uncanny way of finding its way to reality. Just try it!

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Green Tea Weight Loss - The Role of Antioxidants

Green tea extract contains antioxidants. You may have learned about the role of antioxidants in what they can do to improve your overall well being. But, green tea is completely capable of doing much more for you. In fact, not only will it enable you to lose weight, but it can help you to put off or avoid the onset of diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Since each day there are thousands of new cases of these conditions, it is well worth the investment to add a good tasting tea to your diet.

Green Tea Enables Weight Loss

Most individuals know about green tea from its weight loss benefits. If you look at nearly any type of weight loss supplement or diet drink, you are sure to see green tea extract as one of the ingredients. That's because it really is that powerful and that beneficial to your overall health. Green tea helps to burn fat faster and helps your body to burn through calories more effectively keeping them from becoming additionally stored fat reserves. Because of these fat burning qualities, it is a highly in demand weight loss tool.

But, What About Antioxidants?

Because green tea offers so many necessary antioxidants to your overall diet and well being, you are sure to see real results from it right from the beginning of using it. Antioxidants are small elements that are in many of the foods you eat such as deep colored vegetables. These antioxidants enter your body and fight off what is called a free radical. Free radicals are toxins that cause a number of problems including clogging the arteries and filling up cells. They often cause a number of health concerns for your health and well being when they build up.

But, antioxidants fight them and remove them from your system. By doing this, they help to restore health to your cells, allow blood to flow easily throughout the system and even helps to just make you feel better. Antioxidants also can be helpful in removing extra weight that you may be holding on to as well.

For all of these reasons, the inclusion of green tea extract into your diet will allow you to improve your overall well being. Not only will you find that you are losing weight, but you are also improving your heart, your risk of cancer and just improving the health of your skin.

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How Effective Is Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss?

Apple cider vinegar has been in use for weight loss for many centuries. The ancient Egyptians had a theory that enough vinegar in your body would prevent your body from absorbing oils or fats. In those days that theory was cutting edge weight-loss technology.

Some products sold on the market today still ride on this ancient theory. People also think about salad dressing and how the oil and vinegar in the dressing do not mix. They take that as some kind of proof that the vinegar would somehow prevent the oil from turning into fat in your body.

Modern scientific studies have not found any conclusive proof that apple cider vinegar has any substantial effect on weight loss. In a similar vein, apple cider vinegar also does not have a substantial effect on weight gain.

However, there is a way that apple cider vinegar can hamper your weight-loss efforts.

If you take apple cider vinegar with the belief that it enables you to eat whatever you want without gaining weight, then apple cider vinegar will definitely make you "gain weight."

The real problem of apple cider vinegar is not the vinegar itself but the false sense of security that is being sold by many merchants today.

You can find many sites that make promises of how a few teaspoons of apple cider vinegar will help your body burn calories 24 hours a day. Even though the apple cider vinegar would not be bad for your body, scientific studies do not support many of these claims.

In its purest form apple cider vinegar would probably not give you any benefits above the normal benefits of fruits.

If you scrutinize the claims made by many apple cider vinegar merchants you will often find them saying that the product alone will not make you lose weight and that you need to combine it with proper exercise and a sensible diet.

Until scientific studies cast new light on it, you can reasonably assume that apple cider vinegar will do very little for your weight-loss efforts.

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

12 Weight Loss Strategies to Help You Lose Weight Effortlessly

By following these weight loss strategies you will put yourself (or your whole family)on the road to effective weight reduction no matter your food choices.

#1 - Serve plates at the stove, reduce each serving by 1/4 or even 1/2 for some foods.

#2 - Leave some food on your plate. Forget the old admonition of your parents to clean your plate.

#3 - Don't nibble while preparing meals or while putting away left overs.

#4 - Use smaller plates. You'll feel like there is ample and you'll feel satisfied when you get used to the smaller portions.

#5 - Buy small - refrain from getting the largest pieces of fruit. Buy smaller melons, bananas, etc.

#6 - Cook smaller amounts of food. This goes well with the strategy of smaller portions.

#7 - Stop eating when you are satisfied. Too often we continue to eat past the point of satisfaction because of taste.

#8 - Take longer to eat. Have you noticed that thinner people take a long time to eat. Bolting through your meals contribute to the tendency to over eat.

#9 - This goes along with the strategy to take longer to eat - put down your silverware while you chew and don't prepare the next bite until you've throughly chewed and swallowed the last. This will take some practice to master.

#10 - Eat is a relaxed atmosphere not in front of the TV. If you're single, turn on some relaxing music.

If you have a family, you should all eat together and talk with each other during meals. Try to avoid any unpleasantness.

#11 - Eating in the car is as risky as using a cellphone if you are the driver. You tend to eat faster which gets away from the practice of putting down your silverware between bites. Eating in the car should be avoided.

#12 - Pass up those tempting samples that are being offered at the grocery store. Each time you say No to any temptation, you raise your self-esteem and strengthen your will to continue losing weight.

So, there you have it. Twelve strategies to effortlessly begin losing weight. Let's get started right now!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Keeping the Weight Off After Weight Loss Surgery - Important Tips

After weight loss surgery, most people immediately start experiencing a decline in body weight. This is exactly "what the doctor ordered" and is a fully-expected result of this type of surgery. For most people, lower body weight after weight loss surgery leads to lowered risk of diabetes and cardio-vascular-related illnesses of all sorts.

For the first few weeks and months following surgery, your weight should drop significantly. And, the trend usually continues for most people, with many people losing 50, 75, 100 pounds or more after a number of months have passed.

However, many weight loss surgery patients can be at risk for gaining back some or all of the weight that they lost after surgery. This is because the stomach starts to grow in size through a natural stretching action.

While the stomach will likely never regain its full previous size, it can be stretched quite a bit. Once the stomach gets large again, the body can process more food. Hence, the weight gain if you are not careful.

Keeping the Weight Off After Weight Loss Surgery

To keep the weight off after surgery, maintaining a healthy diet is very important. This means continuing to follow the nutrition principles that your doctor taught you immediately after surgery. Eating right means eating low quantities of food at each sitting, while also eating the right types of foods.

Of course, it is very important that you integrate an exercise routine into your daily life. If you tend to like very moderate exercise, consider walking for 45 - 60 minutes per day. If you and your doctor feel you are ready for heavier exercise, try jogging, swimming, or bike riding for 20 minutes per day.

By following these simple steps, you can greatly improve your chances of keeping the weight off after surgery.

Combining Food for Weight Loss

Each food group requires different digestive conditions. This is the main idea behind combining food for weight loss. Introduced in the early 1900s, the food combination diet entails adehring to compatible food group combinations.

Diet plan

Eating just about any combination of food groups is not allowed when on a food combination diet. Examples of food groups that are not mixed when taking a food combination diet are protein and carbohydrate foods and starchy and acidic foods. Therefore, those who are taking a food combination diet are advised not to eat spaghetti with meatballs, cheese bread, and ground meat mixed with potatoes for these are rich in protein and carbohydrates.

Fat burning diet

The food combination diet is actually fat burning. The body's metabolism is stimulated, forcing it to speed up the burning of fats. In turn, there will be loss in weight. According to reports, the food combination diet can help shed two to three pounds every week. Though there are no scientific evidence that can back up this weight loss claim, there are people who have tried and can prove that the food combination diet can assist in losing weight.

Pros and cons

Combining food for weight loss runs for at least five weeks. Individuals may find adhering to a strict dietary regimen very difficult. One has to follow diet plans daily, and they may find combining food for weight loss very overwhelming. Usually, a food combination plan includes heavy intakes of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are actually main components of meals from breakfast to dinner.

The food combination diet encourages the intake of fresh foods, fruits and vegetables. It discourages intake of processed foods and desserts. The food combination diet is actually very sensible as it promotes healthy meals. The food combination diet, which is combining food for weight loss, is then a likely strategy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Tip - Mind and Body at Work

A fast weight loss tip is to have both the mind and body working together towards losing weight. The mind can be a powerful tool when you pay attention to the mental cues it gives off about shedding extra weight. You can therefore create significant approaches to help you but then we all know that the body appears to have a will of its own! A balance of the mind and body doesn't mean that your body has to suffer needlessly when you impose strict rules for it to follow. It is more of finding an adequate eating plan and lifestyle that will keep your mind and body happy as you lose weight.

An out of balance strategy such as skipping breakfast doesn't contribute to losing. It's a fast weight loss tip that the mind can conjure. In reality, it limits the calories when the body needs it the most in order to get through the day. So it proves that knowledge is power and you can only harness its full potential when you convert it into action. Developing new habits and following a plan based on facts, and not only by what your mind tells you to do, will bring you favorable results not only in aiming to lose weight but in any other undertaking you choose to tread.

It helps to visualize yourself at the weight you want to achieve. Start to implement your food and activity strategies and see if they are indeed doable for you. Encourage yourself more as you are able to do them and make adjustments with your daily routine as you go along. Be sure that you are able to make positive changes from your old ways which include sensible food choices, becoming physically active and reaching out to a stable support system like your friends and family. Having the mind and body working in harmony is a fast weight loss tip that spells all the difference in your goals to lose weight.

Can't Lose Weight - Weight Loss Exercise is the Best Method to Follow

Are you tired of trying different fat loss products and still can't lose weight? Weight loss exercise is the best solution for your problem. The weight loss exercise triggers the hormones that burn out fat, this happens within 24 to 48 hours and mostly during sleep. In order for you to have a weight loss exercise which will enable you to lose weight you need to be aware of your body shape. There are four types of body shapes. These are the adrenal, the liver, ovary and thyroid.

  • There is the adrenal body shape which belongs to people who don't sleep, stress out faster and are mostly out of breath and have kind of a saggy stomach shape and cannot do any exercise.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Calorie Counting And Weight Loss - A Dieting Nightmare

Have you ever been guilty of feeling that the really fast way to lose weight is to eliminate as many calories you possible can? I mean, if your calorie intake is at 3,000 a day and you cut it in half to 1,500, then you should really see some weight loss, right? Well, let's take a closer look. You may be very surprised at the answer.

How often have you or someone you know, start a new diet plan like this...

You wake up one day and have a really tough time trying to put those pants on. This gets you angry and you've had enough. So, you decide you will start dieting immediately and stick to it regardless.

Now you're motivated and committed and you take action. So, what do you do? If you're like most people you start on the starvation diet as a way to lose weight fast.

What happens next? Well, since you skipped breakfast as a way of letting your body know who's in charge, your body starts letting you know how if feels. You begin getting a few hunger pangs. You quickly drink some water and go about your day.

Ok...lunchtime has arrived and you're starving. But you made that commitment so you only have a piece of fruit or a yogurt.

This can go on for a while longer until you're just about to go stark raving mad! Finally, you can't take it anymore and you start eating everything in sight. I think we've all been there at some point.

Well, the starvation diet just doesn't work. The weight you do lose is only water. Your body adjusts to the fact you are not giving it the calories to offset this. You hit what is known as the weight loss plateau.

It won't matter if you eliminate 1,500 calories a day. Your body will simply adjust. The starvation diet may be good if you just want to lose a couple of pounds of water weight, but if long term weight loss is your goal, this is not the route to take. You need a diet plan that will give you the right calories at the right time of day.

How to Lose 40 Pounds - Top 5 Water Weight Loss Tips

As well as helping you with weight loss, increasing your water intake has more benefits that will improve your health.

You may not be aware of it but water makes almost 70% of the body so it is no wonder that using water more efficiently can make weight loss easier. Before we get to the weight loss tips I will list a few of the other benefits to convince you of giving this a go:

1. General health will improve with increase water intake as you probably do not drink enough water anyway.